
The Pensacola Cinema Art Theatre

at THE STUDER/SCI Building is

located at 220 West Garden Street

in Downtown Pensacola.

$10 cash donation for all films.

​​Our Next Movies Will Be:


Oscar Nominated Short Films"

FRIDAY, Feb. 14, 1:00 pm

(See all 5 nominated short films

Total running time 90 mins)

For trailers and details

Click the link below:    https://shorts.tv/theoscarshorts/


Oscar Nominated Short Films"

SATURDAY, Feb. 15, 1:00 pm,

(See all 5 nominated short films
Total running time 104 mins)

For trailers and details
Click the link below:    


Oscar Nominated Short Films"

SUNDAY, Feb. 16, 1:00 pm,

(See all 5 nominated short films
Total running time 165 mins)

​ For trailers and details
Click the link below:    

Note:  This weekend, Feb. 14, 15, 16

is the 10th Anniversary for PCA in downtown Pensacola. Free snacks and one Free beverage, including wine,

each day this weekend.

Additional Dates to Remember:

March 2nd, Oscar Awards Show, ABC TV.

NOTE: Our Pensacola Film Festival,

previously dated for Feb. 28, March 1 & 2

has been changed because of the Grand Madris Gras parade in Pensacola which will limit access to downtown Pensacola.
We are rescheduling for March 7, 8, 9.

Stay tuned.

Go to the Coming Soon Page on this website and click on the pictures for more details on any movie we are showing.

Click on the Tab for The Rex Theatre

to find out More about this Historic Venue !!!!


Sign Up for Our
Facebook and Twitter
accounts for instant updates and showtimes

for more information contact:
Jim Norton,  863- 446-7300, jpncinema@gmail.com
